emrlibrary.gov.yk.ca - /Northern Latitudes Mining Reclamation Workshop/2011/

[To Parent Directory]

5/21/2014 1:49 PM <dir> Backstrom - Risk Assessment & Remediation of Historical Màe Waste in Sweden
5/21/2014 1:49 PM <dir> Bench - ID Management and Disposal of PCB Electrical Equipment
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> Clark - ARD Source Control Opportunities at Red Dog Mine
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Collins - XRF Field Screening Tools for Reclamation
5/22/2014 8:50 AM <dir> Condon - Reclamation Strategies for Waste Rock and TailinàGreens Creek Mine
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> DiMarchi - Red Dog Mine Closure and Reclamation Plan
5/22/2014 8:53 AM <dir> Flemming - Case Study Kemess South Mine Site Reclamation and Closure
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Fredericksen - Financial Assurance for Large Mine Projects in Alaska
5/22/2014 8:50 AM <dir> Gardner - Ground Water Mapping in Underground Mining Operations
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> Gronquist - Inventory and Monitoring Invasive Species
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Klump - Performance of Low Permeability Tailings Cover
5/22/2014 8:55 AM <dir> Krabacher - Pride of the West Mine Stope Closure - CunninàSilverton, Colorado
5/22/2014 8:50 AM <dir> McCrum - Red Devil Mercury Mine
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> McDougall - Column Experiments for Groundwater Remedàlverine Mine Yukon
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Monohan - Mechanical Mercury Extraction Process Test Results
5/22/2014 8:55 AM <dir> Opp - Case Study Snowshoe Mine reclamation - Libby, Montana
5/22/2014 8:50 AM <dir> Paktunc - Stability of Arsenic Species in Exposed and Wateàr Mine Site - Yukon
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> Parr - Reclamation and Closure of Ft. Knox Mine - A Planned Event
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Renner - Case Study Peanut Mine Reclamation Project, Guàn County Colorado
5/22/2014 8:55 AM <dir> Roskowski - Integrating Mining Compliance Field data to Sàmline Reclamation
5/22/2014 8:50 AM <dir> Sartz - Freeze Thaw Tests for Mine Waste
5/22/2014 8:51 AM <dir> Spires The Continuing Rehabilitation of the Kam Kotia Minà nmine Tailings Site
5/22/2014 8:54 AM <dir> Weingart - American Flats - Cultural Preservation vs. Public Safety
5/21/2014 1:49 PM 5078823 YZC_NorthernLat2011_presentation_MaryMcDougall_.pdf