Geological Survey of Canada National Geochemical Reconnaissance and Applied Geochemistry Open File Digital Data Distribution This disk contains a copy of an open file digital data release of National Geochemical Reconnaissance or other Applied Geochemistry Subdivision data. The data are in a self-extracting archive file prepared by the LHA (Lharc) file compression and archiving software developed, copyrighted, and placed in the public domain by Haruyasu Yoshizaki. The Lharc software is avail- able from many bulletin boards and similar microcomputer software sources. To extract the data, and any other files, from the self-extracting archive you should copy the file OF_nnnn.EXE, or OF_nnnn.COM, on this distribution disk to a hard drive on your microcomputer. You must ensure that there is enough free space in the sub-directory to which you copy the archive file, OF_nnnn.EXE, or OF_nnnn.COM, for both the self-extracting archive and the extracted files. Once you are sure that there is sufficient space for the files enter "OF_nnnn ", the file will self-extract and you may delete OF_nnnn.EXE, or OF_nnnn.COM. It is recommended that you keep the distri- bution disk as a back-up copy. To assist you in this task, the names and sizes of the files in the self-extracting archive are listed below: Archive: X:\DATA\OF_1364.EXE Name Length Method SF Size now Mod Date Time CRC ============ ======== ======== ==== ======== ========= ======== ======== ERROR! Invalid archive entry: X:\DATA\OF_1364.EXE No valid archive files found.