Copyright/Liability/Endorsement Statement. The digital data supplied in this open file is under crown copyright. It is supplied on the understanding that it is for the sole use of the purchaser, and will not be redistributed in any form, in whole or in part, to third parties. The crown assumes no liability for the data. Any use and interpretation is solely the responsibility of the purchaser. Any references to proprietary software in the documentation, and/or any use of proprietary data formats in this release does not constitute endorsement by the GSC of any manufacturer's product. While an attempt will be made to answer questions concerning the data, there is no guaranteed level of support expressed or implied. In accepting this software/data, the purchaser undertakes to abide by the foregoing legal requirements implicit in the purchase. Format Data and text are provided in both ASCII and Word Perferct 5.1 formats. The reported parameters are as follows: Depth: Integer format (I5) Depth as labelled on the original sample, usually in metres (but occassionally in feet for older sample sets) from the drill rig kelly bushing (typically a few metres above ground elevation of the drill site). 9107, 9108 are Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology internal standard samples; 55555 is an international standard; 1 is used in the depth field for a blank analysis. TOC: Floating point format (F5.2) Total Organic Carbon content expressed as per cent by weight as measured by the Rock-Eval/TOC pyrolysis apparatus. Values of 99.99 are used to indicate no data are available but prevent "divide by zero" errors in ratio parameters with TOC in the denominator. PI: Floating point format (F4.2) Production Index = S1/(S1+S2). Maturity, staining, migration indicator. S1+S2: Floating point format (F6.2) numerical sum of S1 plus S2. Total hydrocarbon product indicator. Tmax: Integer format (I3) Temperature at the S2 maximum. Maturity indicator. S1: Floating point format (F6.2) hydrocarbon peak (mg hydrocarbon per gram rock) released during initial hold at 300低. Indigenous or stained hydrocarbon indicator. S2: Floating point format (F6.2) hydrocarbon peak (mg hydrocarbon per gram rock) released during ramped pyrolysis (300低 to 600低 at 25低/minute). Hydrocarbon generation potential indicator. S3: Floating point format (F6.2) organic carbon dioxide peak (mg CO2/ g rock) released during initial hold at 300低 and ramped heating to 390低. Indicator of organically bound oxygen in the kerogen. HI: Integer format (I4) Hydrogen Index = 100 * S2/TOC. Organic matter type indicator. OI: Integer format (I4) Oxygen Index = 100 * S3/TOC. Organic matter type indicator. Lloyd R. Snowdon Geological Survey of Canada Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology 3303 - 33 Street N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2L 2A7 phone: (403) 292-7035 fax: (403) 292-5377 internet: