KEY TO DATABASE COLUMNS NTS NO. The 1:250 000 NTS map sheet number on which the landslide is located. LS NO. Landslide number. LONGITUDE Longitude of landslide location in degrees, minutes and seconds. LATITUDE Latitude of landslide location in degrees, minutes and seconds. LOCATION Description of landslide location using place names shown on topographic maps. SITE Geographical setting of landslide. SCAR ELEV. Approximate elevation of the top of the back scarp of the slide, in feet above mean sea level. Usually estimated from topographic maps. S/M/C S = single slide. M = multiple slide; an area with more than one slide, adjacent to each other but not overlapping. C = slide complex; more than one slide that overlap. Several slides may become so large that they impinge on their neighbours. Alternatively, an old inactive slide may contain one or more new slides initiated by events separate from the original slide. NO. OF LS An estimate of the number of individual slides involved in multiple or complex slides. LS CLASS QF = Quaternary flow; a flow which has occurred in unconsolidated sediments. LS TYPE RTFS = Retrogressive thaw flow slide WIDTH Width of the slide in metres. LENGTH Length of the slide in metres. AREA Area of the slide in square metres. ASPECT Direction the slide moved, in degrees from geographic north. SEDIMENT GENESIS The depositional environment in which the material moved in the landslide was originally formed. SEDIMENT CHAR. General description of the texture of the sediment. GEOL SOURCE FROM MAP* Symbol assigned to the surficial geology unit in which the landslide falls. This symbol is obtained from the GSC map indicated in the following column. A full description of this symbol is provided in the legend of the map. *GSC MAP NO. The number of the surficial geology map published by the Geological Survey of Canada from which the GEOL SOURCE FROM MAP* column was obtained. AGE Based on aerial photographs, or by verbal accounts of the event. ACTIVE OR STABLE Whether or not the slide shows indications of recent movement on aerial photographs. COMMENT General description of the appearance of the slide or slide complex; coalescing slides have borders which impinge on each other, individual slides are clearly separate from each other, side by side slides are separated only by a narrow band of undisturbed material, in scar slides are slides which have occurred within an older scar, slides described as scar are only visible as depression at the back scarp. Any other information related to published references, forest fires, etc. ROLL NO. Roll number of the aerial photograph. PHOTO NO. Photo number of the aerial photograph. DATE OF FLIGHT Date which the aerial photographs were taken (day/month/year) ELEVATION Elevation of the airplane in feet above mean sea level during photography. SCALE Scale of the aerial photograph.