Yukon Fire History Atlas


Al Beaver is the Fire Management Planning Supervisor with the Yukon Fire Management Division. He moved to the Yukon in 1985 from Saskatchewan, where he started his career in the fire management business in 1975.
Peter Englefield is a researcher in the Fire Management Systems group at the Northern Forestry Centre in Edmonton.
Andrew Greig was a student GIS technician at the Yukon Fire Centre in Whitehorse in 2001. Among other things, he built the virtual fly-through movies.
John Little is a GIS analyst at the Northern Forestry Centre in Edmonton. He produced all the map images and HTML code.
Keith Kepke was head of fire management for the Yukon from 1982 to 1997. Now retired, he still takes an active interest in fire management. He was instrumental in collecting and maintaining the fire and weather records that made this atlas possible.
Bryan Lee is head of the Fire Management Systems group at the Northern Forestry Centre in Edmonton.
David Milne is the Yukon Fire Prevention Coordinator. He dabbles in GIS and satellite remote sensing, and is responsible for maintaining the Yukon Large Fire Database.