REM Prog to sum the tonnages of each commodity by tract REM makes a large matrix of tract by commodity number INPUT "enter input filename"; f1$ INPUT "enter output filename, no extension"; f2$ INPUT "enter max number of tracts"; t INPUT "enter tract prefix ie. S,N"; PR$ PR$ = LEFT$(PR$, 1) f3$ = f2$ + "X.txt" f2$ = f2$ + ".txt" DIM matrix(t, 41) DIM matrixx(t, 41) OPEN f1$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN f2$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 OPEN f3$ FOR OUTPUT AS #3 REM read a line and populate the matrix FOR i = 1 TO 5000 IF EOF(1) THEN 500 INPUT #1, tr, model, comm, comx, com90, com50, com10, com5, com1 value = (com90 * .9 + com50 * .5 + com10 * .1 + com5 * .05 + com1 * .01) / 1.56 matrix(tr, comm) = matrix(tr, comm) + value matrixx(tr, comm) = matrixx(tr, comm) + comx NEXT i 500 FOR j = 1 TO t PRINT #2, PR$; j; ","; PRINT #3, PR$; j; ","; FOR k = 1 TO 40 PRINT #2, matrix(j, k); ","; PRINT #3, matrixx(j, k); ","; NEXT k PRINT #2, matrix(j, 41) PRINT #3, matrixx(j, 41) NEXT j END