REM Program determines the number of deposits in a tract from estimators REM input. The RAW2MARK SUM.out file. Uses probability wts to come up REM with one value. INPUT "enter input filename"; f1$ INPUT "enter output filename"; f2$ OPEN f1$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN f2$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 FOR i = 1 TO 5000 IF EOF(1) THEN 500 INPUT #1, tract$, type$, P90, P50, P10, P5, P1 DEPNUM = (P90 * .9 + P50 * .5 + P10 * .1 + P5 * .05 + P1 * .01) / 1.56 PRINT #2, tract$; ","; type$; ","; DEPNUM NEXT i 500 END