X - The plot point of the IP reading (m) Y - Line (m) Z - elevation (m) T1X - IP current location in local coordinates (m) T2X - IP infinite location in local coordinates (m) R1X - Lead potiential location in local coordinates (m) R2X - Far potiential location in local coordinates (m) VP - Primary Voltage in (mV) I - Current (A) IP_Avg - Raw IP reading (mV/V) IP[0] - IP[20] - Raw IP gates reading Q - Standard deviation of IP readings QC - Quality Control Chg - Chargeability (mV/V) N - Potiential dipole number SP - Spontaineous polerization Stack - Number of stacks taking during the reading Stn - The plot point of the IP reading (m) RSCheck - the contact resistance (ohm) Topo - The elevation T2Y - The line location of the infinite in local coordinates (m) T2Z - The elevation of the infinite in local coordinates (m) T1X_NAD83Z8NUTME - IP current location in UTM coordinates (m) T1X_NAD83Z8NUTMN T2X_NAD83Z8NUTME - IP infinite location in UTM coordinates (m) T2X_NAD83Z8NUTMN R1X_NAD83Z8NUTME - Lead potiential location in UTM coordinates (m) R1X_NAD83Z8NUTMN R2X_NAD83Z8NUTME - Far potiential location in UTM coordinates (m) R2X_NAD83Z8NUTMN Stn_NAD83Z8NUTME - The Plot point in UTM Coordinates (m) Stn_NAD83Z8NUTMN Calcappres_final - The Final calculated apparent resistivity (ohm*m) IP_final - The final chargeability (mV/V) IP_err_final - the final standard deviation of the IP reading MF - Metal Factor