emrlibrary.gov.yk.ca - /ygs/YMIP_YEIP/2013/2013-029/data/Geology/Photos/Catriona/02-08-13/

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7/20/2017 11:32 AM 5254760 cs008-1 west facing shows intrusive crosscutting foliation.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 6054731 cs008-2 south facing, orientated sample in situ.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 6022927 cs008-3 west facing massive pyrite in vein.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 5945250 cs008-4 west facing chalcopyrite, malachite in quartz vein.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 6122310 cs010-1 facing SW felsic dyke in foliated greenstone.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 6112075 cs010-2 facing SW dyke blows out to 50cm and pinches out.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 5309814 cs010-3 facing E contact parallel to foliation.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 6029537 cs011 south facing shows orientated biotite quartzite sample.jpg
7/20/2017 11:32 AM 5235052 cs012 west facing, massive greenstone unit (hammer parallel to jointing)..jpg