*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?v2p=Tg. HJCB|Q^@L}MY@`x#?A@P08L= J<_y > X=NM@f?q@(1A>H=Yi z?08L= J<_y >֪0hT81\7!:y;;>;v2N!B;_]DAE`\ B$_BWx_r2>i 2>/. 2>5y 2>  2>P  2> S wPPPpМ``PXlPPPXArialPNo  zED ` @r׵' @\Lg. @\N@sص7rґp\ݜ\rݜ%sґX@ ӷlО;Mڹ@( lq AG#@, =0D]TR}s t'TztTg. v2Wx>\ B;_]DAE`\ B$_BWx_r@Bts_2>i 2>/. 2>5y 2>  2>P  2> S  @2p=> r׵' \Lg. \Nsص7@s!ص@sصK @̑^+,y @\Hay Creek Group - NeoproterozoicuPHCorange and brown weathering, commonly silty and sandy dolomite, in part well-laminated and flaggy; limestone, cross-bedded pebbly quartzite and conglomerate; local minor brown weathering diamictite at base; distinct white dolostone member at top