*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?@}3(E4HJCB|Q^@L}MY@`x#?AVmUa?7x6P`>Ad@A`Z?=-Ajԃ_::1:rm#\A~2:{mHCA{" Bf BBR}@ОN{E$W:152m BV1B 64?nA*_A5՚"36CA{d?V%0Պ5Q,&>(@&LV#yIWf*U'T&d?G5^??'-&|%3CCR7/4'gP6wWQ x;'O'# (lpf+'_ '" lS 'QPT{.lKHJY 0Yl l*97l@} uPSuPHCuPBuPHCuPHCnhHJ7H7Dʓ8@H=pyD]N{Tw5IM5<E=J ӷlО;Mڹ>light to dark grey, thick bedded to massive, vitreous quartzite; black shalegreenish-grey, pink and dark grey shale; light grey-green to black chert; minor sandstone, limestonethick bedded, dark grey to black and minor light grey weathering dolomite; locally massive, vuggy and reefoid; minor chertresistant, generally well-bedded to massive, grey weathering variably dolomitized carbonate; locally fossiliferous; locally contains black diagenetic chertMount Cristie Formation - PaleozoicMount Kindleed and flaggy; limestone, cross-bedded pebbly quartzite and conglomerate; local minor brown weathering diamictite at base; distinct white dolostone member at top4,,4,oG?nA6@,n$LxA"-lqo<3thin to thick bedded, brown to pale green shale,with sandstone, grit and connglomerate (Yusezyu); grey weathering, bedded, crystalline limestone, locally sandy (Algae Lake); distinctive, interbedded maroon and apple-green slate (Narchilla)shale, siltstone and sandstone, rhythmically bedded mudstone; pale yellow weathering cross bedded limestone interbedded with green shale.uPPtMarmot Formation - PaleozoicEarn Group - PaleozoicGull Lake FormationSeqwi Formationbrown-weathering, dark grey to black, chert, minor sandstone, siltstone; minor limestone; chert-pebble conglomerate and sandstone; locally bedded bariteblack shale, locally graphitic; black limestoneRoad River Group - PaleozoicGull Lake Formation - PaleozoicSeqwi Formation - PaleozoicUN...NVlԇ@tl%.[P ld? i`%@;.~?Q3l@aI@N.5PNPl@\ +].ra 5aAV6 ../C]uANy $/6~Ul{@kj<@/ ԺW3l@nI`/8UPl@Ci LLL#Kl]3Ld5+L#˺l#$3NLOڐi9$ W:1{8 -"""g[lH Ӛ6"@ "8lq A;@"K]Cl+ <@"lqX C<"lX]Cj2N<<0<l45_A5ͥ"3<lw՚y Bear Formation - Paleozoichbrown weathering, green volcanic sandstone, siltstone; locally gritty; conglomerate with mud chi[s; local orange weathering dolostone bandslimestone, locally wavy bedded and nodular; limestone conglomerate slope breccia; massive grey dolostone; medium- to thick-bedded quartz sandstone; purple siltstone; bright orange weathering, fine crystalline dolostonedark green to black volcaniclastic sandstone and cobble to boulder conglomerate; dark brownish-grey weathering basalt, locally pillowed ;black hyaloclastic brecciauPN Formation - Paleozoic&r(6@d"S$ABe!!nlBόn8=#ľD]>=0D]TR}ɕoDD D;xlm Bn' D%J l V10D$۹lq1LFи;TDk] l!+.# OuPGBlueflower Formation - NeoproterozoicGametrail Formation - NeoproterozoicuPBggrey, yellow and orange weathering dolostone, dolomitic siltstone /sandstone and limestone, commonly planar and/or cross laminated; calcareous shale and siltstone; maroon shale; carbonate clast breccia and conglomerateshale, siltstone and sandstone, rhythmically bedded mudstone; pale yellow weathering cross bedded limestone interbedded with green shale.Jgrey, yellow and orange weathering dolostone, dolomitic siltstone /sandstone and limestone, commonly planar and/or cross laminated; calcareous shale and siltstone; maroon shale; carbonate clast breccia and conglomerateorange and brown weathering, commonly silty and sandy dolomite, in part well-laminated and flaggy; limestone, cross-bedded pebbly quartzite and conglomerate; local minor brown weathering diamictite at base; distinct white dolostone member at topgrey to greenish-brown rhythmically bedded fine-grained samdstone, siltstone, mudstone ; mariib sultstone-mudstone;limestone; limestone conglomerate;calcareous grit and sandstoneHay Creek Group - NeoproterozoicNadaleen Formation - NeoproterozoicSheepbed Formation - Neoproterozoicrecessive, black weathering shale and siltstone; minor quartzite and limestoneBouvette Formation - Paleozoic