*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?J)a[`UJ) HJCB|Q^@L}MY@ax#?A@Z@?333333?(\?9@?333333/@??ffffff?w@? OOOR503978D#ATmZAЙ@@RockRusty and limonite quartz veins taken from same kill zone as R503977. Quartz is generally granular with limonite pits or vuggy with limonite filled pits. Small piece of limonite about 2 x 2 cm. Sample comprises a 5 piece composite chip sample.Andrew Mitchell]{HJ) dd^  ^    y    !J) J)h= J)u= J)uJ)J)J)$IJ)2J)J)J)ZJ)J)a[SJ)YSJ)XSJ)WlSJ) VSJ)