*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?lVUӋtĘ H ]tE;A]tE;AE];bE];bin to thickly interbedded chert-quartz arenite and wacke, chert pebble conglomerate, siliceous siltstone and barite.Bouvette Fmtn: medium to thick bedded or massive dolomite and limestone, minor argillaceous limestone, limestone conglomerate and black shale.Gillespie Lake Group: dolostone and silty dolotone, interbedded with lesser black siltstone, shale, mudstone and sandstone.Quartet Group: shale, finely laminated siltstone and thin to thickly inte IPQCDB1ODRIPGBouvette Fmtn: medium to thick bedded or massive dolomite and limestone, minor argillaceous limestone, limestone conglomerate and black shale.Gillespie Lake Group: dolostone and silty dolotone, interbedded with lesser black siltstone, shale, mudstone and sandstone.Quartet Group: shale, finely laminated siltstone and thin to thickly interbedded siltstone and fine grained sandstone. Bouvette Fmtn: medium to thick bedded or massive dolomite and limestone, minor argillaceous limestone, limestone congl Arial>+>@:B?T}3\{9P@{-g@$ *7}W+mwU+ @w{  *C}7t {B}m5ߛnX9P {vѳ$߈e 7}wU+ wa?X߈e C}ϔTޫ;Q 5X@:vϺr OiY$`*fvo&&&@&eRlV/}߱yrtĘH&@eφElVVs8߱yrϜ1T&@YfϚphlV¼Z߱yr{v&fzRr WTu䋎&/fϚhr nZ/rcqm+|LcqӋҺC}m9P }_[G/nOiY$ U&lVVs8TutĘlV|sVuSI"+>@ZЛ]?T+|{3xpҺ ."]Z:.{`#{=Z:{@Wl *=G\ߤ h|ʓ@\xx *G=GLcqӋl;\2"+|Ϫy^^Һ WҸ߈e =Gd}f|ʓԂҨx߈e G=G'rGllEarn Group: thin bedded, laminated slate with thin to thickly interbedded chert-quartz arenite and wacke, chert pebble conglomerate, siliceous siltstone and barite."]Z:`#{=Z:{FaultDempster HighwayEarn Group: thin bedded, laminated slate with thin to thickly interbedded chert-quartz arenite and wacke, chert pebble conglomerate, siliceous siltstone and barite.FaultDempster Highway omerate and black shale.Gillespie Lake Group: dolostone and silty dolotone, interbedded with lesser black siltstone, shale, mudstone and sandstone.Quartet Group: shale, finely laminated siltstone and thin to thickly interbedded siltstone and fine grained sandstone. j`E+> @ )9 f *}_[G/n1 )kMg߈e }ϧ`߫/nXC@<:PZr 9U?Ϥ_@ ̫*@r Ͽϔy@Ϫr 9?J&@5or iޝTotDME1IPQlV|ޱyrlV|lV߱yr߱yr|lV|lV/}߱yrtĘlV/}lVtĘ߱yrtĘ߱yr/}lV/}lVVs8߱yrϜ1TlVVs8lVϜ1T߱yrϜ1T߱yrVs8lVVs8lV¼Z߱yr{vlV¼ZlV{v߱yr{v߱yr¼ZlV¼ZlV)߱yr/1lV)lV/1߱yr/1߱yr)lV)DME1CDB1ODRIPGRRoad River-Selwyn: black shale and chert.Road River-Selwyn: black shale and chert.&`*fz$$$eڹr \ov2oD $dϊ}r [D%m$@&eϏlV|ޱyr  N$@d:%lV)߱yr/1 $m;gϪDr g Y?>sVuSI$dr#r [_9m4(IPQIPQlV|ޱyrlV|lV߱yr߱yr|lV|lV)߱yr/1lV)lV/1߱yr/1߱yr)lV)CDB1IPGlV/}߱yrtĘlV/}lVtĘ߱yrtĘ߱yr/}lV/}lVVs8߱yrϜ1TlVVs8lVϜ1T߱yrϜ1T߱yrVs8lVVs8lV¼Z߱yr{vlV¼ZlV{v߱yr{v߱yr¼ZlV¼ZDME1ODR