Description of Image mackay_wv3_2017aug10_east.tif Image Format = GeoTIFF Image Depth = 8 Image Type = MULTIBAND Image Bands = 3 Image Colormap = FALSE Number of Columns = 12400 Image Rotated = FALSE Number of Rows = 16402 Pixel Size DX = 0.5 Pixel Size DY = 0.5 Number of Pixels = 203384800 Image Extents Edge of pixels Centre of pixels Xmin = 481904.0 Xmin_centre = 481904.25 Ymin = 7132904.5 Ymin_centre = 7132904.25 Xmax = 488104.0 Xmax_centre = 488104.25 Ymax = 7141105.5 Ymax_centre = 7141105.25 Scanline Orientation: Row Major Upper-Left Origin COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Name NAD83 / UTM zone 8N Type Transverse_Mercator Datum North_American_Datum_1983 Ellipsoid GRS 1980 Units metre Parameters: Scale factor at central meridian 0.9996 False easting 500000.0 False northing 0.0 Latitude of origin 0.0 Central Meridian -135.0