emrlibrary.gov.yk.ca - /ygs/YMIP_YEIP/2017/2017-060/data/Section # 14, miscellaneous project photos/

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4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8408495 1 access obstacle.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 6406398 10 claim post.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8194377 11 drilling rig.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8532629 12 tow quad in wet areas to prevent tire tracks.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 6804872 2 low clouds at camp.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8178409 3 route selection.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 7280710 4 moving equipment.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 7561064 5 low impact exploration.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 7246297 6 shale and quartz outcrop.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8331276 7 shale outcrop.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8479002 8 quartz outcrop.JPG
4/28/2020 11:40 AM 8140459 9 towing quad.JPG