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E!D E!E!DE! E!D E!E!DE!JURASSICSdpPPuPH,,+qPPE-/&SoPK ,1K w tPJ,-Lixw*QG,+`xqQH,+?E DE  E!D E! E!D E!E!DE!6d^^^!,= |8)^+J -@  T^'y[u7|{^" E[i^;K,: [L]d`  VPz)^ @Pz | 5Pz W PZ Y !TTPZ h!X r|!KPzOu!'P_?. dMPfn?(v PZn u%dJJ{JQuh,] YJl/,<}@hJO@1,"CNMOUNT McINTYRE PLUTONIC SUITE (ca. 109 Ma)breccia, heterolithic breccia and tuff.sills and breccias. Same as some phases of mKqM.quartz and mafic (hornblende?) phenocrysts.Locally densely welded.?dBBB*[pm2B'xg,; vYB1-@(UyB+,>=]i|Bf,=cNLight grey- and orange-weathering, massive and blocky, heterolithic, vitreous,_R$d-TVTFu,%0 ~NTG ,( }  }TF ,)8 4 dTH,& A#UC]-&fUF,&zUC,%-|YUI,"7 c@VGG,"k quartz- and feldspar-phyric, felsic lapilli tuff; locally with bomb-sized clasts.Limestone...................................................................................................Polymictic, igneous-clast dominated cobble conglomerate........................#dܰZZZ>uy,-FZEV,ZIy2,; ZI,O {[Lo, i[GT",[D,>jdpllM,oLx UlA} ,p  lJo/ ,p n lER,U%mF-kmLv -w8dm,W,tim2S5,r4jCH9,k`Jr- banded quartz-phyric rhyolite and quartz-feldspar porphyry plugs, dykes,Recessive, maroon-weathering, basal sedimentary and epiclastic rocks.Cliff-forming, resistant, columnar-jointed, dark grey and vitreous, quartz-Light yellow- and orange-weathering, yellow, white and pink, locally flow-Pale to dark grey-weathering, black, grey, maroon and pink fine-grainedand vitreous dacite feldspar porphyry flows, dykes and sills with sparse. dddd-,@/[5d&M8  Md [iRZd1e ,9&RVhornblende phenocrysts in a fine-grained, sucrosic, potassium feldsparmassive, non-magnetic, aphyric and feldspar-phyric andesite-flows, flowDark grey-green- to brown- to rusty-weathering, dark green and maroon,Byng Creek pluton: Light pink-grey- to orange-weathering, pink, medium-to coarse-grained, hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite, granite andquartz syenite with small, mafic clots; locally pegmatic with numerousphases of granophyric quartz monzonite with plagioclase, quartz andMulti-phase pluton dominated by light grey-weathering, medium- to coarse-grained, biotite-hornblende granodiorite and hornblende quartz diorite.dfffC2,uRKfY!SfE,vfF^,u7FcfFD,u$gG?@,pand quartz matrix. Some phases form a crowded quartz-feldsparM'Clintock Lakes Granite: White- to pale grey-weathering, recessive,leucocratic, coarse-grained, equigranular, hornblende-biotite granite andgranodiorite, locally with sparse grey and pink potassium feldspar pheno-Mount Byng felsite: White- to pale grey-weathering, recessive, leucocratic,fine-grained to granophyric to porphyritic, feldspar-hornblende felsiteand hornblende granodiorite. Occurs predominantly as north-trendinguF$d3XvvvE,;F FMvE,>I vD ,?\ K Includes Mount M'Clintock Pluton.porphyry and are the same as .WHITEHORSE PLUTONIC SUITE (ca. 115 Ma)TESLIN PLUTONIC SUITE (ca. 120 Ma)crysts. This unit has associated aplitic phases and dykes.Ctdx-Qddϴa "T ^ r 5 ,u"GN A,R"NdT[|||CM,K|D,]|1p6 - |D,F{r}H|, p7L}FcF,?}C,c1dykes but forms small bodies near Mount Byng.LOWER TO MIDDLE JURASSICLABERGE GROUPCobble conglomerate dominated by granitic clasts.cstone and hornfels; with thin beds of limestone-clast conglomerate.STIKINIAUndifferentiated Laberge Group dominated by brown- to tan-weathering,recessive, well-laminated, bioturbated, dark grey and brown siltstone,interbedded siltstone and sandstone couplets, greywacke, arkosic sand-Brown- to grey-weathering, gritty sandstone and matrix-supported pebble'z%d3XrrrI_,  $ Cdjd <WdJdfd hd c/d;tbpd'|dG0d#4cdne/d }Nd+`,/dWahtd4/dHodo.dL~d-d8dd+}.dXdMU-db\cd=-dNO dݨ&d<d #dNDfd #d fdĆ"dR?dBdnpc ]d;Wdedhdd2c d)@Scc$bC c;granodiorite. Similar to sandstone associated with Nordenskiold dacite tuff.conglomerate and sandstone. Lithic clasts are dominated by whitepolycrystalline quartz, alkali feldspar, black mudstone and coarse-grainedmassive and angular, to well-bedded and well-rounded, limestone-clastconglomerate; and resistant, thick-bedded, massive and densely packed,gritty sandstone with pebble-cobble sized igneous clasts. Very difficult toProbably equivalent to Richthofen Formation.Cobble conglomerate dominatedMIDDLE TRIASSICE!CE! E!D E!E DE E DE AKSALA FORMATIONSheldon Creek VolcanicsJOE MOUNTAIN FORMATION0 dZnnnML n@dYE ;n@d j E _n@d`E n@dMEnM[W ng[ Sn[[  Irocks dominated by white-weathering, resistant, massive to poorly bedded,cdne/dNd+`,/dWahdMU-db\fd TZ-d!ebcd7"-dMQd(d)z[d*#!dNO ?dBdnpc ]d;c\c!c\c!c3c ccc cHccc bcd #dNDQd#d)zfd #d fdĆ"dRad*#!dNO ?dBdnpc ]d;Wdedhdd2and gritty limestone, and recessive weathering volcanogenic sandstonelimestone with limestone conglomerate, black siltstone and sandstone.Hancock Member: undifferentiated, dominantly calcareous sedimentary E!D E!E!DE!E!DE!iTRIASSICUPPER TRIASSICLEWES RIVER GROUPd&[y @d!" E >@d' E b@d`E" de*#dby<d S ,:f2` (͆i@ >,1"]! z,Xwith siltstone, shale, gritty sandstone, conglomerate and hornfels.sparsely bioclastic limestone, marble and skarn; and recessive sandydistinguish from, and may locally include .Casca Member: undifferentiated sedimentary rocks dominated by dark-weathering, siliceous, black and white wispy to finely laminated, thick-bedded, bioturbated siliceous siltstone, finely laminated, limey brownsandstone interlaminated with black muds and interbedded with sandyfzed and serpentinized ultramafic rocks.Dark-weathering, massive, non-magnetic, dark green chloritized,!d;~B,7- cJE,hL,;+ gۂCEV- D, /bCL, A,  6RY !.d,//~?DH,~Resistant, dark rusty- to dunn brown-weathering, strongly magneticbasalt flows, breccia, microdiorite and diabase. Variably altered tolocally pillowed and strongly silicified, andesitic and basaltic lava flows;locally with hyaloclasite and breccia. May be part of Joe MountainDark grey-green-weathering, fine-grained and locally medium-grained,monomineralic or feldspar and pyroxene-phyric, massive andesite andCoarse-grained, varitextured pyroxene gabbro with small bodies ofCACHE CREEK TERRANEtectoniOrange-weathering, resistant, light olive-green,greenstone or cut by aplite and epidote veinlets.pyroxenite and anorthosite (in black).MISSISSIPPIAN TO PERMIANCACHE CREEK GROUPFormation. E!D E! E!D E!7NISLING ASSEMBLAGE E!D E! E!D E!E!DE!*ySdiabase diorite and basalt.YUKON TANANA TERRANEPALEOZOIC AND OLDERRusty brown- to dark pink-weathering, brown and grey, foliatedquartzite and quartz-mica schist.h105 C/13Gordey andStevens, 1994Tempelman-Kluit1977105 F/4105 C/12Stevens, 1994Gordey andSRT7,\vvSOE6(~N ld,nHExploration Targeta MINERAL OCCURRENCESDeposit TypeZn, Pb, Ag vein'Ctdx,OICtd ,O!%,NZ),MZ; Exploration TargetExploration TargetSdx!,V$,y,W"N = ,N +8 %@,+0,' S /,*V2 z,Y'S=&,@#,XEFr,Io,Wx$Ctdc( @ddxh ,8jd޲Ws L8jdñWr%ljd%jd%\jd~%ԫjd T(8jdVrv150Fossil localityIsotopic age determinationsBreccia zone.................................................................................................Details are in the accompanying Bulletin (Appendix 7).........................Details are in the accompanying Bulletin (Appendices 1-3)..................J=Jurassic macrofossil; T=Triassic macrofossil; C=Triassic conodontESEYBOLD175UTSHIGYukon MINFILENumberName114TEXEL (ABI)141GAMMON142BYNG'ykdؑYPp 'ldؑ\kP@V =Exploration TargetAu, Ag, Cu veinExploration TargetREFERENCES'ldؑYrPU 7WheelerAPPROXIMATE MEAN DECLINATION 1984Use diagram only to obtain numerical valuesTransverse Mercator ProjectionNorth American Datum 1983Elevations in Feet above Mean Sea LevelCONTOUR INTERVAL 20 METRES':kdؑV5Pٍ (h  $` h WsWssWsWrrWr6?x- ?6- 6?x. ?6. 6?x. ?6. 6?|dhd&@|dG0d#4d/dK~d-d8d #dNDfd #d hdd2zd0]dK{d&dzd5Pd&{dCDd*zd Dd~2{d~dydz~d:yd }dp0kP]5F:=3GO=,K/KRj!=~PX4F&>wP5F=?P=^>>="K@-;NHȶ=/K0 JUPcU #^42!N}f30+NX:[ Pcʳ;yKPS<'PƵoV=Ph˸Vareas. Two 1:250 000 maps with legends. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1101.Ccp&  "i` "m'i5= 6FMT7: h Z= AD+I  ~uV '?`\cCShcDRjdؑ%jdIX/6Pَ g^!PyGh6P,|GZuP*iz1OQ-6?x. ?6. Wheeler, J.O., 1961. Whitehorse map area (105D), Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of1990. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon Region, Indian and Northern AffairsCanada, p. 52-56.Yukon MINFILE, 2002. Whitehorse, NTS 105D. Exploration and Geological Services Division,Yukon Region, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. by limestone clasts.sandstone, conglomerate and hornfels; all with limestone. IncludesUndifferentiated sedimentary rocks dominated by limy siltstone, siltstone,%ɲc 48ԴcABcQ    XPq_  UacF 5f<" ?d%9) C- $`64 cCS< gcCSD c] L @c`<6p c!] x @cZ7 X6 KcU+ 2;،c[`_\Xa!a K[#. E!D E!LATE CRETACEOUS E!D E! E!D E!QUATERNARYCRETACEOUSOPEN CREEK VOLCANICSphyric, dacite flows with ash and lapilli tuff horizons.MID-CRETACEOUSBYNG CREEK VOLCANICS (ca. 109 Ma) E!D E!wb   8ae Db Y/!Lb7 "? i ϯ9]\ #T@. Topographic base produced byONE THOUSAND METREUniversal Transverse Mercator GridZONE 8SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH,DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINESCopyright Her Majesty the QueenAND RESOURCES.in Right of Canada"FUxz(Grid North<Magnetic NorthAnnual change decreasing 6.6'FOR CENTRE OF MAP= d @d Em,q-n ;@d E _@d8 Ek N0kl l .s n:[ p8 ,GO{r)s!yZ|rv @d E|c!cFDcCUx cBz(/ Dh1abc ^@`c6=S,{BsP-e  G q Q1@acy< RU@wccy< Ty@jcf> W@_cy= X@]cy< Y@[cy<Z tu [ @/Wc6< \1@TZc7< ]U@z]c6< cUbL /@{cC= E2@cf>JVTqJ6KZ?^w&L[ )K __@cC=sjdؑfUboP< ]TlP85 8jdVrq6=6<6=601000y<yy<<y<yy<<f>f;f>fy=xy<=y<xy<<y<yy<<10006<6<6<67<7<7<76<6<6<6WB7W{MetresC=C;C=Cf>f;f>f400023000C=C<C=Cpg=g;g=gMOUNT M'CLINTOCK20001SCALE 1:50 000C=C;C=CYUKONBremner, T., 1991. Mount Byng mineral occurrence. In: Yukon Exploration and GeologyTempelman-Kluit, D.J., 1977. Geology of Quiet Lake (105F) and Finlayson Lake (105G)VrrVrogical Services, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada as Geoscience Map 1997-7. GeosciCopies of this map and Yukon Minfile may be purchased from Geoscience Information and Sales, c/o Whitehorse Mining Recorder, P.O. Box 2703 (K102), Yukon Government, Geoscience Map 2003-5. m~do }8|dYH>(~dv# d08{d&Vh eP8|d(Wh%fpP=ju|d(+{ g8dja h8dQja%iPefJd45~W,` ,:f 8ԀdW[H%3~d "b%Adp_Vd~y= ,R ~ qVq,Orq+,uk,nv\Y,HwV`s8,xW[,zk ,j   3 Geological boundary(defined, approximate, assumed or covered)............................................Fault (dot on downthrown side)Flow contacts..............................................................................................Igneous flow banding (inclined, vertical)...................................................Bedding (inclined, vertical, horizontal)........................................................(defined, approximate, assumed or covered).............................................Limit of outcrop...........................................................................................SYMBOLSDyke swarm................................................................................................Limestone-clast cobble conglomerate.........................................................Dykes, generally felsic................................................................................Cross-section line........................................................................................Anticline, syncline..............................................................................g...........Schistosity, gneissosity, foliation (inclined, veritcal)....................................?**xuH_u_u?b*?*uH_u_ub?h'04@h'4qaq4[aq4bb7Ab7o`2?{`{2?{{Vo?{`2{`2?{{VK@h0hKQHHGX-hYHHYHv#VhhV1hWh3Wh3{@+0+{ja ja jaaja045@45AA'[H[LH["a]0pCa"b`ba"]0Ca"xQHG-8c<6J- MQ!&X% " X/SS(6[>X9fIB<o I1984105 E/1Tempelman-KluitHart and Hunt105 E/2105 D/151984Tempelman-KluitGeoscience Map1961105 D/10105 D/91961WheelerSS]<6<68<<6]77:72003-4G::G7:] O O  2 AUjhb[R/(' ~k_VDF2vlpwXdjNW@fF{5=6+  LzcU7 (HGrpj:&}otr8p8h>rFy\ZgazI>/&(2+&.=j}wrtr"2)0>Uhw~vsuL=9ZfltjpTHC0 %>?IfrwziN;*!$%!%-,ias, ";8#& / MAL]`jm 19LHbQ?DEIP)o 3'~cD7" !,AUefkq  &/2HYi /TJHNKB@GF=AAFGNh_dgWd:i1w"y  vkb&Y"Y^^VZd_G B4/.+%/BVJIY_?h*Ct0Y/7H=H7=DH7FFFFFFG8G8DG8$;;$8;(2/# 6F0c @c-K ,@׬c?A!J P@c,p-R0' 5+h + 6KWN$ uqmj==!Jj!j!JJ##j @cF]! ,@>cFZ! P@]c=A-KK-?AA 0?Ae            039'2927'l]!!]!Z!Z/!!=A=;A0 ABA7BUnconsolidated silt, sand and gravel of glacial, fluvial and lacustrine origins.Uncertain: Wheeler (1961) mapped unit as Cretaceous volcanic rocks.Any revisions or additional geological information known to the user would be welcomedStore the map in a dark area to prevent the colours from fading.by the Yukon Geological Survey.southern Yukon (1:50 000 scale). Yukon Geological Survey, Energy, Mines and Resources,Hart, C.J.R., and Hunt, J.A., 2003. Geology of Mount M'Clintock map area (105D/16),RECOMMENDED CITATIONIt is here republished with minor revisions by the Yukon Geological Survey.This map was originally published by Exploration and GeoldIndian and Northern Affairs Canada, Geoscience Map 1997-7.Hart, C.J.R., 1997. Geology of Mount M'Clintock map area, southern YukonCanada, Memoir 312, 156 p.Tempelman-Kluit, D.J., 1984. Geology of Laberge (105E) and Carmacks (115I) map184MOUNT BYNG187BALTGordey, S.P., and Stevens, R.A., 1994. Preliminary interpretation of bedrock geologyOpen File 2886.dU{H%UsEVJVKVQrGTFVXsd`rGaVbVF:BpW%BHp?^B!H8^:B!W8^U:{p8W^d 8>U>{t r/U{Mt r/&eM r&>er&>t&M%|d%M7  j   %7[ .T74[.TM4j.T%|dt-SM-S>%[-SI>ot-[SIoMtIo%Mf %>Io%[fOt1f[Mz7f4_d9&:r>; e<{U=RWBtC&D/reEKL&/d8M'e%BM=T%>MBt ^8!>t"B#/${MU%&^8>(B)r* M+{tU,-^/8e./%[0&1r2 >t3{U4/5^W8|dcd7%eMfgf>hT[.ij7Mktl%AmT.noMpB.qpQC|dbT4L>Wf6S97%>oi?[@S-AMFGo%I[HIS-J>tM4jNfO%PoMIQRS->SeT7U4V[XMYotIZ[j\7]%[^_f`>tacId8 U&rB8 U&rB8 U&rBd Ur!!st8u!Uvw8x Uy&rzee{ee|e8e} eUe~&ereBee8&rB>>>>>8> >U>&>r>B>>d>> >HAd}&rBB[[[[[[[[_|444444|d[I[f-I>->>I>>f>-If7-If7Tp-I7Tq-If7T[-[d'd.td'd_$DdRd+4DddR6dk@d&d́d,|zdjd' ydÄd8zd0]dK{d&dzd5Pd&]zdd{dCDd*zd Dd~2ydz~d:yd }dp0