September 14th Traverse Notes I thought this may provide some useful information. Let me know if it helps - Jordan Weather: Rained at night and frosted. Frost melted completely by ~1300 hours. L800E - At 75m to 82m, moss and grass clumps created large bumps in the traverse. L775E - At 50m, a large moss hill caused the unit to angle up ~1 foot into the air, causing a large space under the unit. At 85m, A large game trail intersected the traverse, causing a larger than average space between the unit and the ground. L750E - Reflector at the end of the traverse may be a chainsaw boot (unit slid downhill over my foot, moss was very slippery!) L725E/L700E - ~ 5m - 4m from the end of the traverses (near the creek) was quite bumpy due to the moss clumps and grass heads. This continued until the creek was reached. L675E - ~ 5m INTO the traverse, the unit crossed over a large visible boulder (Not identified). L650E - At 50 meters into the traverse, a large game trail intersected the traverse and created a large gap between the GPR unit and Terrain. L625E - Very Large game trail intersected the traverse at 30m into the line. L600E - Large game trail/extremely bumpy portion of the Argo trail intersected te traverse at ~ 25m. L575E - Open water and gravel bar was crossed ~ 4m from end of traverse. L550E - At ~35m into the traverse, a large moss hill created a significant gap etween the GPR unit and terrain. L375E/L395E - ~80m into the traverse, the GPR unit had to be hand bombed over a trench which posed a risk of damaging the unit. L500W - At ~12m and 22m, te GPR unit had to be hand bombed over 2 deep/small creeks. L475W - Collected the data WEST to EAST. Also had to deviate around the RAB Drill during the traverse. L450W - Had to hand bomb the GPR unit at ~20m into the traverse. L425W - Collected data WEST to EAST. L395W - Raw file for line named TEST0008 due to user error. L375W - Collected data WEST to EAST.