Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
Geological Survey of Canada



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The Central Foreland NATMAP Project




References and Related Publications:

These references are provided for background on the study area and as a

key to NATMAP publications in adjoining map areas.

Currie, L.D., Kubli, T.E., McDonough, M.R., and Hodder, D.N.,
1998: Geology of the Babiche Mountain and Chinkeh Creek map areas, southeastern Yukon Territory and southwestern Northwest Territories;

in Current Research 1998-A; Geological Survey of Canada, pp. 39-48.

Fallas, K.M.,
2001a: Preliminary Geology - Mount Martin (95C/1), Yukon Territory,

British Columbia and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada,

Open File 3402; scale 1:50 000.

Fallas, K.M.,
2001b: GIS Dataset: Preliminary Geology of Mount Martin (95C/1), Yukon Territory, British Columbia and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4015 (CD-ROM).

Fallas, K.M., and Evenchick, C.A.,
2002: A GIS dataset of geological features for the Mount Merrill map area (95C/2), Yukon Territory and British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4359; scale 1:50 000.

Fallas, K.M., and Lane, L.S.,
2001: Geology of the Mount Martin, Fisherman Lake, and Mount Flett map areas, Yukon and Northwest Territories: Central Foreland NATMAP Project; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2001-A5, 7p.

Fallas, K.M., and Lane, L.S. (compilers),
2003: Geology, Babiche Mountain (95C/8), Yukon Territory, and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1563; scale 1:50 000.

Khudoley, A.K.,
2002: Preliminary Geology of Brown Lake (95C/7), Yukon Territory;

Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4267; scale 1:50 000.

Lane, L.S.,
2001: Geology, Fisherman Lake (95B/5), Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4161; scale 1:50 000.

Lane, L.S., and Fallas, K.M. (compilers),
2003: Geology, Chinkeh Creek (95C/9), Yukon Territory, and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1674; scale 1:50 000.

Smith, I.R.,
2003: Surficial geology, Babiche Mountain, Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories (95C/8); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1558;

scale 1:50 000.

Stockmal, G.S., Kubli, T.E., Currie, L.D., and McDonough, M.R.,
2002: Map symbology and analysis of box and polyclinal folds, with

examples from the Rocky Mountain Foothills of northeastern

British Columbia and the Liard Ranges of southeastern Yukon Territory
and southwestern Northwest Territories; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,
vol. 39, pp.145-155.